Kirby, I might take you up on that guest room. If Andy and I ever decide to travel out to the East coast - that guest room sounds like quite the deal. =) I'm glad that everything went smoothly. I know that moving can be a lot of work. Now you have to turn your new house into a home. I haven't had my own place yet... since going to college I have always had roommates. Currently, I live in a house with a roommate and her boyfriend. I really enjoy living with the two of them... it'll probably be that arrangement until I get my own place or Andy and I decide to move in together.
Vanessa, it sounds like you are "gathering your wits", as Andy likes to call it. That would be kinda crazy that Eli leaves as soon as you get back. I wouldn't like that. Two whole months! You know how the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder"... even though it sounds cheesy, I do believe in it. If you need to socialize and chat, feel free to call. =)
I'm glad that both of you are doing well. I have been alright... somewhat I mixed bundle of feelings and situations. I'll explain later... again, glad that you all are doing well.
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